As many musicians know, being active (especially via outdoor recreation) can help complement a work, teaching, and/or practicing regimen. According to "Music Think Tank," exercise can help improve both the self confidence AND creativity of musicians (while improving energy levels prior to musical performances by up to 20%), with the sport of tennis (low impact, relatively safe for musicians) being no exception.
For those who know me pretty well - I like to keep very active (both in and out of the office/recording studio). I stumbled upon Tennis League Network when doing a Google search on local tennis leagues in the Philadelphia Area - endeavoring to transition OUT of amateur/men's league baseball (having won a few championships) and INTO a fun, friendly sport which can help me stay energized, fit, stage ready, and give me something to do outside of the DWC offices.
Having been part of this league for just a few weeks, I am thoroughly impressed with how Steve Chagnon runs, administers, coordinates, and oversees the league. In Tennis League Network, players are given a list of players within their division and are required to coordinate (in a collaborative fashion) matches, league play, and playoffs.
Thus far, I've had a seamless time coordinating matches with the other players in TennisPhilly (whom are all friendly, communicative, and quite talented) and; moreover, enjoyed finding new parks to play in (from Lansdowne, PA to a park that I grew up playing sports in - South Ardmore Park). Another thing I found particularly cool about this league was that you can create a player "profile" - including profile picture, links, favorite shot/tennis player, and even establish a "home court."
I've met some really nice people in the league thus far (including Steve, via email correspondences, who manages the whole league and domains for cities/divisions all across the country), and think this is going to be a great outlet for many seasons. Once the weather improves, I'm looking forward to scheduling even more matches and playing in the doubles division of TNL.
Recommend checking out http://tennisleaguenetwork.com/ and signing up for a division today - especially in the TennisPhilly region!
